Estimasi Beban Pencemar Dari Emisi Kendaraan Bermotor di Ruas Jalan Kota Pekanbaru

Nurhadi Hodijah, Bintal Amin, Mubarak Mubarak


Increasing population and economy in Pekanbaru City was clearly followed by anincrease in the number of motor vehicles has the potential to cause air pollution andendanger human health. This research was aimed to analyze the pollutant load gases of CO,HC, NO 2 , SO 2 and PM 10 emissions from motor vehicles at at Pekanbaru City. Survey on thevolume of motor vehicles, roadside air quality and vehicle emission test was conducted onthree different road in Pekanbaru city. The volume of motor vehicles and pollutants loadsfrom motor vehicle emissions was highest at Sudirman road and the lowest at Diponegororoad. There are very significant differences between Sudirman road with Diponegoro roadand Tuanku Tambusai road with Diponegoro road. Higher pollutant load was found for gasCO (76,4 %), than gas HC (19,4 %), gas NO 2 (3,6 %), gas SO 2 (0,1 % ) and PM 10 ( 0,7 % ).The largest contribution of pollutant load gas CO, HC and PM 10 comes from motorcycles, gasNO 2 from the city cars and gas SO 2 coming from the truck. The quality of roadside air in thethird road to the gases CO, NO 2 , SO 2 and PM 10 are still below the ambient air qualitystandards, whilest gas HC had passed the ambient air quality standard. A positive correlationbetween concentrations of roadside air pollutants with a load of motor vehicle emissions wasfound. The percentage of motor vehicle emission test results explain that the rates of vehiclesfueled with gasoline were higher than diesel vehicles and that do not pass of the emission testwere generally produced before 2007, while for diesel vehicles that do not pass the emissionstest opacity value that were produced in the 2010 onward.



transportation; motor vehicles; pollutant load; Pekanbaru

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