Tanggung Jawab Ilmuwan Pertanian Terhadap Dampak Penggunaan Pestisida ditinjau dari Aksiologi Ilmu

Rilliandi Arindra Putawa


The paradigm transition in agricultural science leaves many problems. The impact of using pesticides in the past has had a negative impact, both on the environment and on human life. Agricultural scientists as pesticide product developers should be responsible for their scientific products' impact. This research is a philosophical study that aims to analyze the responsibility of scientists on the phenomenon of pesticide use by using the axiology of science. This research is a philosophical reflection on the development of pesticides in agriculture as a controversial issue, both structurally and normatively. The results show that there are two responsibilities of agricultural scientists that can be contradictory: social responsibility to meet the community’s food needs and moral responsibility to pay attention to the environmental impacts caused.


axiology of science; scientists responsibility; pesticide impacts; philosophy of science; environment

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/dli.9.2.p.107-112


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